My Slightly Sideways Look At Life And Trucking In Canada/US

The spelling mistakes add to the charm of this Blog..!! A Blog is like a woman..???? you start at the bottom and work your way up,,,!!!!!

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Welcome to Canada Steve and Harry

OMG there goes the neighberhood...Steve and Harry ( these arent their real names) arrived on the 8 of this month...and me being a really nice chap,went and met these 2 degenerates from Germany...mistake number 1
I knew my girl friend and i should have had better things to do on a sunny Winnipeg sunday,but we searched our souls and went and picked these 2 shifty yobs up at their Hotel....mistake number 2
We stuffed them into the back seat of the car,switched on the child locks and sped away before any one recognised us.. Steve being a Britt chatted non stop whilst Harry, German, sat quietly, a bit shy of using his english...We took them to the Forks.. a pretty park in town with cafes and bars, we chatted and ate a meal had a few beers....mistake number 3 ....Then took them back to their Hotel..
The following week we all chatted on msn,and decided to meet the following friday...mistake number 4, Louise had a single girl friend,that might like one of these two....which she accounting for taste..!!!???
Well as im the only one of us who seems to work i arrived latter at the bar to find,these 2 newbies doing there best to drink Winnipeg dry and flirting badly with a Canadian lass... we all left later and had a night cap at Louises pad,where the flirting continued....badly
We arranged to go to the Morris Stampede, the following day...which we all thoughly enjoyed.....the poor flirting continued,,,
And the girls out of the goodness of their hearts, decided to help the 2 poor misfits with furniture and house hold goods to help set up home together,as they now had a flat and not one piece of furniture....mistake number ,,,oh whos counting any way
Well the 2 retards took and ,well i wont say they failed there Class1 tests..!! but they didnt pass either...ooops ....but the flirting has improved .. ???? Rumour has it a kiss took place and hands have been held..???
We are all going upto the lake over the long weekend, i hope by then they will have both passed their tests and begin driving as a team for Trans X.....earning the big bucks,,coz they will be paying for a slap up meal for my girl friend and i...

Welcome to Canada Steve and Harry

Not so easy Where am i Quiz

Yeah i know others do this on their Bloggs to,,but Lyndons are so easy,,so try finding out where i took these pics,,?????

Try boarding this casino

Flippers City ??????

Now this is tooooooooooooooo easy

As is this one,,,!!!!!!

No where near the coast here...??????
Going to a large Port...but which one ?????
Bush must love having this building here
If in doubt add an axel,,at which Border Xing tho

Only For Realy Clever People..????

Only great minds can read this....... fi yuo cna..Olny 55 ploepe out of 100 can,i cdnuolt blveiee taht i cloud aulactly uesdnatnrd waht i was rdanieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid,aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,it dseno,t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are,the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the fsrit and the lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef,but the wrod as a wlohe...
Azanmig huh ??? yaeh and i awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorant !!!!!!!

Now laugh at my bad spelling

Reflections...1 year in Canada

Well ive been here almost a year,and its time to take stock.
Life has been pretty good thus far,seen some great things,been to some amazing places,and heard some wierd things..?????
You may have seen and read of some of my exploits,but some of the things ive heard here,well they take my breath away at times.
1) Met 2 young guys in kentucky with whome i shared a beer or 3.!!!!
the first asked where my accent came from,and before i could reply his buddy chimed in and stated " hes european,they all sound the same ""
he was under the impression that Europe is a country in its self ????
2) Whilst sat in a truck stop waiting for my order to arrive,the waitress asked "" how was every thing "" meaning is the food good or not,,,????????
3) An old timer in Alabama suggested i try the apple pie " its the best in the whole godamm world here "" when i asked him if he had tried apple pie in france or Italy or any where else for that matter,he admited he had never been more that 60 miles from his home town,,he was 78 years old,,????
4) The menu at the TA truck stop said " Al dente pasta with a beef and mushroom sauce " yummy thought i .and boldly orderd... what came was infact a not bad beef stew with mushrooms in a thick brown sauce,which coverd the sogiest tastless pasta Butterflies i,d ever put in my mouth...I called for the chef,,a spotty teanager arrived..??? " Whats wrong?" acne face asked,, " The pasta," i said " they should be al dente" "well " he replied " we,ve only got those Butterfly pasta,s , no al dente ones "..??????????

The average American will gladly inform you of how "Great" thier country is,but as only 2% of all americans hold a passport,they have nothing to compare it with. A vast majority take their guns to work with them, ??? why ?? because they feel safer !!!!! There is a major court case going on right now because the workers at Disney World in Orlando FL arent allowed too,.

Things here are a lot different than Europe,and i,m having great fun finding new things daily.
But they do talk a load of crap at times...

Eating in North America

OMG .... This is a sour subject with me..i love food,but good food..
to get good food in Canada or America you have to pay a fortune or cook it your self,,
or you like me will be dissapointed at every meal.

1)Breakfasts,well theyve got those of pretty good,except for the bacon. It will arrive on ya plate no matter how many times you ask for soft bacon,soooooooooooo crispy that if dropped from 6 inches it will shatter both the plate and its self

2)I like a steak rare,,very bloody rare.. it has been known for me to refuse 3 steaks till i get it rare,which doesnt go down to well with the kitchen staff...!!!!!

3)Salads.... a good fresh salad can be had almost any where,the problem are the bland tastless dressings that add 10,000 callories to the meal. Olive oil is only known as popeyes gal friend and not as an ingrediant to a salad sauce..????

4) Cheases,,, sniff ..sniff,, dont exsist...oh youll get a square piece of tastless orange or beige cardboard that the menu describes as "Swiss" or "Cheader" but thats it as far as chease culture goes