My Slightly Sideways Look At Life And Trucking In Canada/US

The spelling mistakes add to the charm of this Blog..!! A Blog is like a woman..???? you start at the bottom and work your way up,,,!!!!!

Für min chumpels üs di schwiitz, nim da google übersetze

Just go to Google Translate

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Not so easy Where am i Quiz

Yeah i know others do this on their Bloggs to,,but Lyndons are so easy,,so try finding out where i took these pics,,?????

Try boarding this casino

Flippers City ??????

Now this is tooooooooooooooo easy

As is this one,,,!!!!!!

No where near the coast here...??????
Going to a large Port...but which one ?????
Bush must love having this building here
If in doubt add an axel,,at which Border Xing tho

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