My Slightly Sideways Look At Life And Trucking In Canada/US

The spelling mistakes add to the charm of this Blog..!! A Blog is like a woman..???? you start at the bottom and work your way up,,,!!!!!

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Info on Immigrating to Canada

Hi all, yup im still alive and kicking.e
I recieve many a request for info regarding coming to canada as a trucker, i am willing to help as many families as possible,specialy those who are willing to help themselves.. research,research and then loads more,, Blogs like mine and many others go along way in providing a parsonal view on living and working here.. Their are offcourse many other sources of inside info on immigration, two that i highly recommend are,,,,,

Hope this helps any hopeful immigrants to Canada be it as a trucker, taillor or computer maker, the info and help you need is in these forums....
Sorry but i cant enter into direct contact via my Email for obvious reasons, but you will find me on both site as either "gremmie" or Spirit 8 and will gladly answer any questions you have either on the open forums or via PM...

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