My Slightly Sideways Look At Life And Trucking In Canada/US

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Friday, June 5, 2009

A Day At The Races

Just a 15min drive from Niverville,lies the little village of St. Adolph,a quiet little hamlet,that host all through the summer one of the loudests sports ive ever attended, stock car racing.
This years season has started late due to the shitty weather,and yesterday was almost washed out as well, but the race gods did their bit and racing got underway,after the US and Canadain natonal hymns,nothing happens here unless they sing Oh Canada or the Star Spangled Thong ??

They race various classes, and to be honest Dave he lives down the road and is a Scott) wernt to sure what the classes are but we had great fun watching high powerd bumber to bumber racing.

1 comment:

Dave Caldwell said...

It was a great night Graham. I intend to get there again sometime when I can.
