In the hospital in Atlanta..the bed was cool,,lots of buttons to play with...
Ive thought long and hard about this,and am only showing these pics in the hope that none of you drink and drive..im not going for the sympathy vote.. i got away lucky..

Für min chumpels üs di schwiitz, nim da google übersetze
Just go to Google Translatehttp://translate.google.com/translate_t
The first picture is really terrible, but maybe if you got a shave you'd look better.
Seriously, have a good recovery, and thanks for the warning, but I don't drink drive.
Hi Gremmie, Those pictures send a huge shiver down my spine. Its crazy. I suppose you just have to be positive and Thank God your still alive. From reading your blog you seem to be a glass half full kind of bloke so keep them spirits up.
Fine and dandy like sugar candy.
Meet any nice Georgian nurses ?
Mick ahhh ya so kind...am at girl friends pad going twice a week to the hospital here in Winnipeg...
Glad you are on the mend, and that they caught the driver!
I worked as an operating theatre technitian in the early eighties, and saw lots of the results of drunk drivers.
I know what you mean about the skin graft, they reckon it can hurt as much as the injury. Its because when they take it a load of nerve endings are cut OUTCH!
I never realised just how handsome you are mate. At first I thought it was robert redford in the pic, then I thought it might be Boy George.
Anyway, get well soon bud.
Hi Graham
it's Marion your mum's painting friend, just heard about your accident, the pictures look pretty horific Barbars is coming here next Thursday do you want me to let her see the pics or not? My son broke his back in a motorbike accident two years ago and he said the bone graft was more painful than his back so yes I am sure yours is very sore indeed. Just take things slowly don't rush it and you will get better, slowly slowly catchee monkey. Look forward to hearing from you soon love Marion
I am glad to see you are recovering... I just feel so bad about this happening to you... Being from Atlanta...This type of thing is in the news every week. I don't know what is wrong with these people around here. Love the positive attitude , by the way.
Very sorry to read about your ordeal.
Glad that you are on the mend and that you have a great person taking care of you.
OMG gremmie just seen this, hope you're feeling better!!
I hate it when hubby stops to tighten the trailer straps on the shoulder, there's too much drinking and driving here.
Take care Buddy, it sounds like you've got a lovely lady looking after you ;)
Rosie x
Think Koogs needs glasses!!
looks more like Jasper Carrot
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