My Slightly Sideways Look At Life And Trucking In Canada/US

The spelling mistakes add to the charm of this Blog..!! A Blog is like a woman..???? you start at the bottom and work your way up,,,!!!!!

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Friday, April 11, 2008

In Which State..????

Just a silly question,and no cheating!!!! We all know that Washington D.C. is the capitol of the US. But in which state is it ??????


Anonymous said...

District of Columbia

Graham Parks said...

Sorry anonymous, you dont even know your own name,so how are you going to know in which state Washington is eh?????.

Anonymous said...


Graham Parks said...

Well done Anon... but as youve cheated you get no brownie points..

Mystery Métis said...

Now, Now Grams play nice or I won't let you keep my pic on MSN!

At least anonymous was persistant and didn't give up.

Mystery Métis

Graham Parks said...

I have had to be re-educated on the original question,,,Washington does not belong to any state,its a separate enterty,,so District of Columbia was correct...ooops

Who's sending me kisses ????

Anonymous said...

Told, i may be anon to you but you do know me...... btw, i didn't answer MD

Anonymous said...

love the blog mate from east coast BT also known as

Graham Parks said...

Dear Anon,
So east coast BT ???? how are you doing,,Andi ???

C1 Andy said...

I'm doing good mate thanks, good to see you are as well. it would still be good to meet up for a coffee sometime but thats unlikely now as i just run NS to Ontario now... oh well you never know.
take care and drive safe mate.
p.s. i have a spare CB if you want it, it works....just but you can have it for $0.00 if you buy one yourself, get a galaxy 959 from the pilot truck stop and stay well away from Cobra's.