My Slightly Sideways Look At Life And Trucking In Canada/US

The spelling mistakes add to the charm of this Blog..!! A Blog is like a woman..???? you start at the bottom and work your way up,,,!!!!!

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Monday, March 31, 2008

Me And My Little House On The Prarie

Having lived 20 years in Switzerland,and being used to "Their" style of housing,the Canadian wood framed structures appeared slightly flimsy to me... I thought they would be cold,draughty,expensive to heat and downwright instable,,????
Well they're none of those, they are infact warm and cosy and pretty cost effective and very stable,,,they held up well to the 70mph wind gusts this weekend ok.
They also have the " Tardis" look ??? small on the outside,big on the inside..


As you can see the garden shed is almost as big as the house



Dinning room + a bathroom are left of the kitche area


I have my " office" just to the right of the TV

Downstairs are 3 bedrooms,all of a good size, and a 2nd bathroom,,,, So yes i live in a " Tardis"


rudds said...

Nice pad Graham.

Good luck with blog mate,

Graham Parks said...

Thanks's not a "Pad" its a love nest...?????

Mystery Métis said...

A love nest for one?

kisses ;)

Graham Parks said...

Mystery métis,,,reveal yourself...privatly offcourse