My Slightly Sideways Look At Life And Trucking In Canada/US

The spelling mistakes add to the charm of this Blog..!! A Blog is like a woman..???? you start at the bottom and work your way up,,,!!!!!

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Gremmie Goes Home..????

I was supposed to take a reefer load to georgia and Florida,,this load was put back a week so another trailer full of spuds to Minneapolis..
Those unloaded i was dispatched to pick up a full load of trees and shrubs,,???
I contacted the customer and explained that my trailer was really dirty inside and it would take me several hours to cleane,,"never fear" he said "we'll do it for you, just get here ASAP.
So like a speeding bullet i wiggled through the Minneapolis rush hour traffic,swatting cars and other poor fools that happend to get im my way like flies. Forging my way ever onwards only to go home....this is all a bit melodramtic..???

Yes to go Hastings. Here was i a Hastings lad loading shrubs and trees in my home town,,,well not this Hastings Minnesota.

But i did for a brief moment get all nostalgic,,,tell the truth you blubberd like a baby,,,!!!

I booked in at the customer and reminded him that the trailer needed a good cleane out first,, "park on the ramp,you are loading dirt here aswell"??'

The chief loading chappy was a Mexican,spoke good English,sat on a fork lift,holding his two way radio looking first at me then into my reefer,then back to me then gazed in dismay at my
trailler..2 can play at that game i looked at him then into my reefer,then back to him,looked him straight in the eye and said " do you want some free spuds ?" luckely he did,,so did all his amigo's ????
Reefer cleane now to load my herbasciuos border..????
Eat ya heart out Percy Thrower


Ant said...

thought I'd done this once - was wondering why your trailer needed cleaning for plants? Barb with us this week - lots of rain here

Graham Parks said...

been raining here too...
Trailer needed to be cleaned coz of soil contamination,,plus it would have been really messy and stinky