My Slightly Sideways Look At Life And Trucking In Canada/US

The spelling mistakes add to the charm of this Blog..!! A Blog is like a woman..???? you start at the bottom and work your way up,,,!!!!!

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Now Very Piston Broke

The guys at kenworth did a spiffing job and repaired Spirit 30,did a test run, all A OK. We mailed them their fees,i hitched to my still loaded trailer and of i went,,,,Woo Hoo
Down the drop into Great Falls, over the bridge on 10th street,moving along happywith the midday traffic, and BANG . Spirit 30 and i are now a regular fixture in Great falls MT.
The through shaft in the first diff had bust right off,so back to kenworths and another nite at the hotel....??????

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