My Slightly Sideways Look At Life And Trucking In Canada/US

The spelling mistakes add to the charm of this Blog..!! A Blog is like a woman..???? you start at the bottom and work your way up,,,!!!!!

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Piston n Broke

Well im sat in an'otel in great Falls Montana waiting to get my truck fixed... haw haw you broke it....
Drove out of the truck stop,and 2 miles down the road.... BANG... the drive shaft ripped of,taking the brake lines with it ????
So ther i sat in the middle of Great Falls town centre like a lame duck at 6am...
25seconds latter the Sherrif was behind me with lots of pretty flashing lights....just like Blackpool ???..he was on his way home after having done a night he got some over time to add on,,,lmao

So a quick peek under the truck,a short chat with the sherif,and a rapid call to the boss,the descision was made get a tow truck bloody quick.....
So i now sit in a hotel awaiting parts to arrive.....god im bored


Anonymous said...

told you not to drive so fast haha
you know who this is i hope we chatted this morning

Graham Parks said...

yes i know how you are,,lol well i was not driving fast,i was in a city